Orange County Singles Reviews What Men Really Think About Relationships

Have you ever wondered what men really think about relationships?  Orange County Singles reviews that if you’re able to understand a man’s mind, you’ll soon be able to read him like a book and understand him in no time. 


There are so many things about a man’s mind that makes him so predictable and easy to read.  Have you ever wondered what men really think, especially when it has to do with women and relationships?  Orange County Singles reviews that many times, just be understanding what men think, it  can make a woman’s life so much easier, especially when it comes time to impress him.

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How Men Really Think


You might try to win him over, make a good impression, and then try to change him to fit your fancy, but Orange County Singles reviews that instead of trying to change him to become the perfect man, you can use the following tips and everything will start to fall into place for the both of you. 


Men Believe That Every Compliment Is True


Orange County Singles reviews that if there is one thing you can’t go wrong with, it’s giving him a compliment.  Almost all men will believe that any compliment given to them is true.  Give him a compliment and he’ll never believe it’s a lie, on the other hand, if you give a woman a compliment, she’ll always doubt it and think twice about it.  But give him a compliment and he’ll appreciate you for it.  And Orange County Singles reviews that every time he remembers that compliment, he’ll remember you. 


Would you like your man to start getting healthier?  Well, just let him know he has great shoulders, but tell him that he has a little layer of fat covering them, and before you know it, he’ll start working out for you so he can impress you and get another nice compliment from you. 


Have you ever found your man checking out his tush in the mirror?  Orange County Singles reviews that the chances are that’s because someone gave him a compliment on it once before.  See what we mean?


All Men Can Be Easily Impressed


Orange County Singles reviews that men don’t believe this and actually find it to be ridiculous, but it’s very true.  Men know it, and they try to hide it, but it always shows through.  Men are always easily impressed when a woman flirts with them.  Geez, even a flirty smile impresses them.  Any man who gets flirting reciprocated back to them will feel like he’s the best man in the world.  Do you want him to do you a favor?  Give him a pretty smile, that’s all it takes. 


But it doesn’t have to be with just a single man you meet, it can be the man you’ve been dating for a while now.  Flirt with him for a little and watch him do whatever you want him to do. 

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Men Believe They Are The Protectors


For many many years, men have always been thought of as the protectors of the relationship, since the primate days.  Men used to go out hunting and protect the women and nothing has really changed since then.  Orange County Singles reviews that all you have to do is bring out his protective instincts and he’ll love you for it.  Men cannot get enough of pleasing women, whether it’s his girlfriend for many years, or an attractive woman he sees outside.  Give him a chance to help you and he’ll fall for you before you know it.


Men Believe They Are Equal To Women


In this modern day of age, men are perfectly okay with letting women rule the world, but that’s not always the case.  Ever since the beginning, men have always been the breadwinners, the ones who played the dominant role in the relationship, and when a woman turns that role around, Orange County Singles reviews that it can leave men feeling vulnerable.  When a man’s woman earns more than him, or puts him down in front of others, men can’t help but to shrivel up and want to have an affair to escape.  Orange County Singles reviews that they want to have an affair with a woman who is believe them so they can feel powerful again.  Yes, that sounds piggish, but it’s often the truth. If you want to have a successful relationship and you’re the one who earns more, don’t make him feel like he has no control in the relationship, otherwise he’s going to want to cheat on you too.


Men Believe They Are Emotionally Strong


Orange County Singles reviews that men always believe they’re emotionally strong, but in reality they’re not always.  Men have huge egos, but women know those egos can be shattered quickly, and once those egos are shattered they can take a lifetime to grow back.  Whether it’s not being able to satisfy a woman in the bedroom, or not being able to bring home as much earnings as their partner, all he needs to do is experience a bad situation like this and it will destroy his ego.  For you, it means that you should never shatter your man’s ego or he could despise forever. 


Men Believe They Care About A Woman’s Personality


Many men believe they are smart and intellectual, but when they fall for a woman, they fall for something other than that.  Orange County Singles reviews that men are all about visuals, if she looks good, he’ll go for her, and it’s always been like that. 


Now, remember that what seems attractive to one man might not be attractive to another, it’s all about the infatuation for him.  But you must remember that infatuation and love are two completely different things.  Orange County Singles reviews that a man can be infatuated, but not in love.  Love takes time to achieve, infatuation happens at first sight.  So the next time you want him to listen to you, dress sexy and believe that he will drool a little bit, but he will listen to anything you have to say.


Men Believe They Like Women Who Make The First Move On Them


You might hear men saying that they love a woman who isn’t afraid to ask them out, but deep inside, many men actually hate it when a woman makes the first move.  Orange County Singles reviews that in their mind, a woman who asks them out is easy to get.  But men are not going to turn down a woman who comes onto them, after all, what man doesn’t like getting attention. But if you are interested in keeping this man around for the long term, you should always be a classy lady who lets him do all the chasing.

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Orange County Singles Reviews How You Can Easily Manipulate Men

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